This category of award is meant for universities and colleges with exceptional eCampus facilities with effective web based learning systems and electronic community center for students and faculty. An effective eCampus facility must offer customized courses, collaboration and communication tools, assessment features and access to a vast array of teaching and learning resources.

The criteria to file nominations for eCampus Award are:

  • college portal
  • chat room facility
  • multimedia resources
  • elibrary facility
  • online courses
  • online group activities, projects, seminars, blogs, forums and emails
  • broadcast of teaching material in multimedia form
  • managing links with alumni
  • forums and discussion boards for classes
  • eProfiles for all students and staff
  • eNotice board for instant notification
  • eBrochure
  • file repository, online storage and sharing
  • educational networking, wall messaging
  • eBranding institutes, students and teachers

If your university or college fulfills the above-mentioned criteria for eCampus Award, you are encouraged to file your nomination for the category- ‘Higher Education Award for eCampus’.

Note: Judges may request nominees to provide further information, including the visit to the shortlisted institutions.